Los Angeles County Supervisors Solis & Horvath Want the Eviction Moratorium to Go On FOREVER
At the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting on February 7, 2023, Supervisor Solis proposed and Supervisor Horvath seconded a last-minute amendment that was not originally on the agenda to revise the Homeless Emergency Declaration (Agenda Item #16) to support using this new “emergency” to extend the eviction moratorium indefinitely to all rental housing throughout LA County. They requested a report back in 45 days legally instructing them how to do so.
Supervisors Solis and Horvath do not believe in equity for rental housing providers and renters alike. They apparently believe that it is fine for irresponsible renters not to live up to their legal obligations, yet on the other hand, they expect rental housing providers to live up to 100% of their obligations by continuing to pay mortgages, and for repairs, maintenance, property taxes, property insurance, trash hauling services, utilities, and sewer services. The Supervisors refuse to understand that enabling professional squatters harms all responsible renters by making it more likely that independent, “mom-and-pop” owners will continue to be driven out of business by these policies and will have to sell their buildings to large corporations that are only interested in their bottom lines or to developers that will convert the properties to condominiums or luxury apartment buildings to obtain top dollar for the properties. Supervisors Solis and Horvath care more about protecting the few bad apple-renters than they do about all responsible renters.
If you own properties or live anywhere in Los Angeles County pick up the phone and call or send an email to Supervisors Solis and Horvath today to tell them that they are wrong for supporting an endless countywide eviction moratorium. Tell them to END THE EVICTION MORATORIUM NOW!
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis
Phone: (213) 974-4111
Email: [email protected]
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath
Phone: (213) 974-3333
Email: [email protected]
No other industry has been asked to provide free services during the entire pandemic that has now lasted for nearly 3 years – not healthcare workers, not grocery stores, and not gasoline stations. It is time that rental housing providers are treated like these other essential businesses and allowed to fully resume normal business operations.If Supervisors Solis’ and Horvath’s intent is to assist low-income renters to maintain their market-rate rental housing, then they need to create a new County funded limited-time subsidy targeted to those who need it.
Supervisors Solis and Horvath cannot place government’s responsibility for providing a safety net to the County’s residents onto the backs of independent, small business rental housing owners. Public welfare is the government’s job to provide using public funding.
At the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting on February 7, 2023, Supervisor Solis proposed and Supervisor Horvath seconded a last-minute amendment that was not originally on the agenda to revise the Homeless Emergency Declaration (Agenda Item #16) to support using this new “emergency” to extend the eviction moratorium indefinitely to all rental housing throughout LA County. They requested a report back in 45 days legally instructing them how to do so.
Supervisors Solis and Horvath do not believe in equity for rental housing providers and renters alike. They apparently believe that it is fine for irresponsible renters not to live up to their legal obligations, yet on the other hand, they expect rental housing providers to live up to 100% of their obligations by continuing to pay mortgages, and for repairs, maintenance, property taxes, property insurance, trash hauling services, utilities and sewer services. The Supervisors refuse to understand that enabling professional squatters harms all responsible renters by making it more likely that independent, “mom-and-pop” owners will continue to be driven out of business by these policies and will have to sell their buildings to large corporations that are only interested in their bottom lines or to developers that will convert the properties to condominiums or luxury apartment buildings to obtain top dollar for the properties. Supervisors Solis and Horvath care more about protecting the few bad apple renters than they do about all responsible renters.